Flight NumberSOA3746 Date09.08.2022
Departure AirportMUHA Arrival AirportMNMG
Departure Time16.45Arrival Time18.56
Pilot In CommandBilly Hateley Block Time2.20 Hours
Pilot Rating100 % Aircraft [ ]

Distance687.00 Nm. Passengers140
Fuel Used5,075 Kg. Cargo19 Kg
Expense Details Income Details
Fuel Cost5,910 v$Ticket Sales26,040 v$
Pilot Salary7,987 v$ Cargo income35.00 v$
Crew Salary844 v$ Bonus5,325 v$
Gross Profit23,964 v$ ( 599,100 v$ )

Client Versionv2.5.1 Max Simrate1
Flight Critique Pilot CommentsLanding felt soft. Steep approach with crosswinds at the end