Flight NumberSOE1780 Date09.07.2020
Departure AirportEGGP Arrival AirportLFRS
Departure Time13.22Arrival Time14.38
Pilot In CommandEvan Ward Block Time1.50 Hours
Pilot Rating100 % Aircraft [ ]

Distance375.00 Nm. Passengers127
Fuel Used3,126 Kg. Cargo2346 Kg
Expense Details Income Details
Fuel Cost6,424 v$Ticket Sales18,669 v$
Pilot Salary5,667 v$ Cargo income2,239.00 v$
Crew Salary635 v$ Bonus4,498 v$
Gross Profit21,321 v$ ( 533,025 v$ )

Client Versionv2.3.3 Max Simrate1
Flight Critique Pilot CommentsOkay flight.... I suppose. Lag was bad until I figured out what was causing it. I deleted reshade thinking that was it but "Draw shadows on scenery" was on. So at least I didn't have to uninstall xp11. Well now I need to get reshade back.