Flight NumberSOS0355 Date04.05.2020
Departure AirportNZAA Arrival AirportNZNP
Departure Time20.28Arrival Time21.13
Pilot In CommandEvan Ward Block Time1.00 Hours
Pilot Rating100 % Aircraft [ ]

Distance124.00 Nm. Passengers10
Fuel Used247 Kg. Cargo0 Kg
Expense Details Income Details
Fuel Cost1,442 v$Ticket Sales1,100 v$
Pilot Salary805 v$ Cargo income0.00 v$
Crew Salary50 v$ Bonus639 v$
Gross Profit3,032 v$ ( 75,800 v$ )

Client Versionv2.3.3 Max Simrate1
Flight Critique Pilot CommentsFirst flight and in the Beachcraft 1900 or Solaris! It was a cool flight, first flight in New Zealand! Not a study level aircrat but a fun one to fly! It was a pretty good landing, -263. I say that only beacuse it was my second landing in this thing.