Flight NumberUKSE281 Date30.09.2024
Departure AirportLGKR Arrival AirportLEPA
Departure Time12.15Arrival Time14.46
Pilot In CommandSimon Dobby Block Time2.80 Hours
Pilot Rating100 % AircraftCS-KSB [ E195 ]

Distance794.00 Nm. Passengers115
Fuel Used4,945 Kg. Cargo0 Kg
Expense Details Income Details
Fuel Cost8,816 v$Ticket Sales22,885 v$
Pilot Salary2,617 v$ Cargo income0.00 v$
Crew Salary787 v$ Bonus2,181 v$
Gross Profit10,469 v$ ( 104,690 v$ )

Client Versionv2.6.0 Max Simrate1
Flight Critique Pilot CommentsJust the usual A/T engagement fun we seem to have; other than that, uneventful.

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