Flight NumberUKD001C Date18.04.2023
Departure AirportEGLL Arrival AirportKJFK
Departure Time11.13Arrival Time15.07
Pilot In CommandSimon Dobby Block Time3.90 Hours
Pilot Rating95 % AircraftG-BOAD [ Concorde ]

Distance2,994.00 Nm. Passengers100
Fuel Used84,591 Kg. Cargo3010 Kg
Expense Details Income Details
Fuel Cost121,870 v$Ticket Sales47,900 v$
Pilot Salary102,040 v$ Cargo income8,997.00 v$
Crew Salary8,242 v$ Bonus85,033 v$
Gross Profit408,160 v$ ( 4,081,600 v$ )

Client Versionv2.5.1 Max Simrate1
Flight Critique Pilot CommentsBack to FSX :-) Reloaded ConcordeX w/VFE. All went well until finals when lost visual with the ground due to nose angle; G/A and invoked the power of Autoland. Parked at the now defunct T7, stand 1.

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