Flight NumberUKD0226 Date26.05.2022
Departure AirportEGKK Arrival AirportEIDW
Departure Time8.48Arrival Time9.57
Pilot In CommandGlenn Gower Block Time1.50 Hours
Pilot Rating100 % AircraftG-UKBH [ 767-200 ]

Distance262.00 Nm. Passengers231
Fuel Used4,547 Kg. Cargo84 Kg
Expense Details Income Details
Fuel Cost5,928 v$Ticket Sales34,650 v$
Pilot Salary8,147 v$ Cargo income107.00 v$
Crew Salary770 v$ Bonus9,052 v$
Gross Profit46,167 v$ ( 1,154,175 v$ )

Client Versionv2.4.1 Max Simrate1
Flight Critique Pilot CommentsGreat flight to EIDW, testing the new Boundless payware scenery for XP11. Must say VERY impressed!

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