Flight NumberUKD5242 Date12.11.2018
Departure AirportLGAV Arrival AirportLGMT
Departure Time11.01Arrival Time12.23
Pilot In CommandGeorge Pap Block Time1.40 Hours
Pilot Rating100 % AircraftSX-BBF [ DC-3 ]

Distance142.00 Nm. Passengers29
Fuel Used380 Kg. Cargo0 Kg
Expense Details Income Details
Fuel Cost584 v$Ticket Sales2,378 v$
Pilot Salary880 v$ Cargo income0.00 v$
Crew Salary290 v$ Bonus978 v$
Gross Profit4,992 v$ ( 124,800 v$ )

Client Versionv2.2.0.rc3 Max Simrate1
Flight Critique Pilot CommentsALTR=LGHI / Depart rwy 03R:KEPI1E/ Arrival and app rwy 32 by vectors and VMC Flight Conditions / and thanks a lot.

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