Flight NumberPIND102 Date18.11.2017
Departure AirportKJFK Arrival AirportEGLL
Departure Time16.54Arrival Time20.20
Pilot In CommandAvery Black Block Time3.40 Hours
Pilot Rating90 % AircraftN0224FD [ Concorde ]

Distance2,994.00 Nm. Passengers100
Fuel Used79,521 Kg. Cargo3109 Kg
Expense Details Income Details
Fuel Cost81,414 v$Ticket Sales41,500 v$
Pilot Salary109,118 v$ Cargo income16,787.00 v$
Crew Salary3,000 v$ Bonus181,864 v$
Gross Profit982,068 v$ ( 24,551,700 v$ )

Client Versionv2.2.0.rc1 Max Simrate1
Flight Critique Pilot CommentsWeird flight. First off, brake button on keyboard and joystick didnt work. Had to use parking break. Also the radios broke, so I had to find EGLL when it was cloudy and dark. Found it and landed beutifully first try though.

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