Flight NumberUKC7003 Date06.01.2013
Departure AirportLSZH Arrival AirportEGPH
Departure Time12.11Arrival Time14.33
Pilot In CommandSimon Pal Block Time2.40 Hours
Pilot Rating100 % AircraftG-UKCQ [ 757-200F ]

Distance674.00 Nm. Passengers0
Fuel Used6,161 Kg. Cargo38808 Kg
Expense Details Income Details
Fuel Cost6,179 v$Ticket Sales0 v$
Pilot Salary5,622 v$ Cargo income43,326.00 v$
Crew Salary0 v$ Bonus1,785 v$
Gross Profit31,864 v$ ( 796,600 v$ )

Client Versionv2.1.0 Max Simrate4
Flight Critique Pilot CommentsAnother fab flight, great take off & flight enchanced by my new sounds. This really is very cool. Landing was excellent and even matched the timming on the SFX what luck. Tea time for me & the crew.

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