Budget0 v$

Flight Rating0.00
Total Flights
Total Miles Flown0 Nm.
Total PAX Carried Passengers
Total Cargo Carried Kg.
Total Time Flown

[ Aircraft Deleted ]10.00
Aircraft Type Ratings

Last 10 Flights

Virtual AirlineDepartureArrivalDistanceDurationDate
Phoenix Freight And CharterEIDWEGSS254 Nm.0.90 H. 24.06.2011
easy airEGAEEIDW102 Nm.0.50 H. 12.06.2011
easy airEGLLEGAE322 Nm.1.50 H. 10.06.2011
easy airEGNXEGLL87 Nm.0.40 H. 10.06.2011
easy airEGPDEGNX265 Nm.0.80 H. 10.06.2011
easy airEGGPEGPD234 Nm.0.80 H. 10.06.2011
easy airEGAEEGGP183 Nm.0.60 H. 10.06.2011
easy airEIDWEGAE102 Nm.1.20 H. 09.06.2011
irish airEGAAEIDW74 Nm.0.50 H. 11.05.2011
FLY.UKEGGPEGAA143 Nm.0.70 H. 10.04.2011

Reliability For Last 10 Flights

Virtual AirlineFlight NoDateDEPARRDEPARRStatus
Phoenix Freight And Charter TR012 24.06.2011 00:00 00:00 19:44 20:39 Route Not Found!
easy air FLT1234 12.06.2011 00:00 00:00 12:43 13:12 Route Not Found!
easy air FLT1234 10.06.2011 00:00 00:00 11:50 13:18 Route Not Found!
easy air FLT1234 10.06.2011 00:00 00:00 20:14 20:37 Route Not Found!
easy air FLT1234 10.06.2011 00:00 00:00 16:18 17:05 Route Not Found!
easy air FLT1234 10.06.2011 00:00 00:00 16:16 17:01 Route Not Found!
easy air FLT1234 10.06.2011 00:00 00:00 16:19 16:52 Route Not Found!
easy air FLT1234 09.06.2011 00:00 00:00 12:07 13:18 Route Not Found!
irish air FLT1234 11.05.2011 00:00 00:00 12:23 12:54 Route Not Found!
FLY.UK FN1111 10.04.2011 00:00 00:00 12:28 13:10 Route Not Found!

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