Flight NumberIPW999F Date29.02.2016
Departure AirportEDDF Arrival AirportEDDK
Departure Time4.52Arrival Time5.49
Pilot In CommandAmir Razi Block Time1.00 Hours
Pilot Rating90 % AircraftEP-VLS [ 747-400 ]

Distance74.00 Nm. Passengers220
Fuel Used11,147 Kg. Cargo29259 Kg
Expense Details Income Details
Fuel Cost9,923 v$Ticket Sales14,520 v$
Pilot Salary2,153 v$ Cargo income6,828.00 v$
Crew Salary1,100 v$ Bonus2,392 v$
Gross Profit12,202 v$ ( 305,050 v$ )

Client Versionv2.1.0 Max Simrate1
Flight Critique Pilot Commentsvery bad Tower service Landed with reserve Fuel. Was already in Belgium than coming back to COL. Landing Rate bad due to Problems with AP SYSTEM AND FMS SYSTEM DOESNT allow capture ILS system.